Esthetician School Programs
Esthetician schools offer programs for a successful and fulfilling career in skincare (esthetics). A licensed esthetician has opportunities to work in many settings offering skin-related care and treatments, such as a dermatology clinic, spa, salon, or private practice. Here we cover everything you need to know about esthetics programs and why it could be the ideal career choice for you.
What is an Esthetician?
An esthetician is a beauty professional who provides skin care services. Common services performed by estheticians include (but are not limited to) skin treatments, facials, waxing, chemical peels, and makeup application.
Estheticians are trained professionals who have completed an accredited esthetician program consisting of both classroom and practical training.
“Esthetics” within the beauty industry refers to health and beautification of the skin. More technically, it’s the application of various techniques to the epidermal layer of the human body. The practice of esthetics is derived from “aesthetics” (as it is otherwise commonly spelled), the philosophy of beauty, taste, and art.
What Do Estheticians Do?
- ZSkin treatments
- ZFacials
- ZMakeup application
- ZHair removal
- ZTanning
- ZAnd more
- ZSpecific skin condition treatments
- ZCustom skincare routine recommendations
- ZSkin mapping
- ZFacials
- ZHair removal
- ZExfoliation
- ZSkin peels
These services cannot be provided without a license. Estheticians can also add specialty treatments to their services including lash extensions, microdermabrasion, laser treatments and more. It depends on the state in which you operate as well as where you receive your license.
Although cosmetologists do receive training in skincare services, it is a general training without the specific treatments and techniques required for your esthetician license. For example, training delves much deeper into a wider range of facials, hair removal techniques, skin types, appropriate skincare methods, consultation and more. They have a better understanding of the anatomy of the skin and the science behind the right treatments based on skin condition and type.
How Much Do Estheticians Make?
What is the Job Outlook for Estheticians?
Job opportunities can be found in many exciting workplaces including:
- ZSpas
- ZSalons
- ZFreelancing
- ZTV/Movie Sets
- ZEditorial Sets
- ZMed Spas
- ZCruise Ships
- ZResorts
What Do You Learn in Esthetician School?
- ZMake-up
- ZFacials
- ZMassages
- ZWaxing
- ZReflexology
- ZAbrasive treatments
- ZSkin peels and masks
- ZBody wraps
- ZLaser treatments
- ZAnti-aging treatments
- ZAnd more
- ZSafety and sanitation
- ZSalon management
- ZCustomer service
- ZRetail sales
How Long Is Esthetician School?
Enrollment – What Are the Average Esthetician School Requirements?
- ZMust be 16 years of age or older
- ZHold a high school diploma or GED
How Much Does Esthetician School Cost?
How to Get Licensed as an Esthetician and Launch Your Career
Licenses are generally granted with the completion of an accredited esthetics program lasting 600 hours or an apprenticeship that is at least 1,200 hours. In some states, there are two-tier esthetician licenses requiring additional training and education in a master esthetics program to perform advanced services including:
- ZMedium-depth chemical peels
- ZLymphatic drainage
- ZUltrasound and light/radio/laser frequency procedures
What Type of Job Can I Get After Graduation?
Medical Esthetician
Makeup Artist
Cosmetics Buyer
Trainer or Teacher
Brand Representative
Beauty Writer
Salon or Spa Manager
How Do I Pick the Best Esthetician School for Me?
You can narrow down your choices by first understanding what you want to achieve and then consider these important factors:
Often the best esthetician school in your area also has the highest tuition. Compare the costs associated with each of your preferred schools and consider the loans available to you.
The student-teacher ratio
You want to find a school with a smaller ratio, as it means your instructors will have more one on one time for their students.
Job placement services
Does your school offer job replacement assistance once you graduate?
Makeup artists can use their creativity to bring out their clients’ natural beauty or get involved in an exciting career in the entertainment industry. You can perform makeovers, do makeup for special occasions such as weddings or proms or even break into celebrity makeup.
Successful graduation
What is the success rate for graduates of your school? How many students complete the program each year? Do they have examples of success stories?
Courses offered
Are there any special courses or designations you’d like to supplement your esthetician’s license with? Does the school offer these programs or certifications?