State Licensing Requirements in MASSACHUSETTS



Licensing Requirements

Massachusetts has two classifications of licensure for cosmetologists and aestheticians. Work experience is the determining factor on the status classification. A cosmetologist’s type 1 and an aesthetician’s type 6 license are equivalent to a manger’s license. To be eligible for a manager’s level, you must submit proof of at least 2 years work experience. An operator’s license (type 2) or an aesthetician’s license (type 7) will be issued to you if you have less than two years of work experience in your field.

Applicants interested in acquiring licensure for Cosmetologist, under 240 CMR 2.00 code of Massachusetts, must meet the following requirements:

    • Type 2: A person who has successfully completed a course of at least six months, which course must have completed the required hours of professional training in a cosmetology school approved by the Board may apply to the Board for examination and licensure as an operator;
    • A type 2 with a minimum of two years of practical work experience as a junior assistant instructor is required in order to apply to the Board for examination and licensure for a license and will then become a type 1 once licensure process is completed. (240 CMR 2.01);
    • Applicant must file the application with the Board accompanied by required fees and achieve a passing score on a practical and written examination satisfactory to the Board;
    • Practical Experience requirement for application and/or examination is defined as: full time (35 hours per week/48 weeks per year); or equivalent part-time (minimum of 24 hours per week)/40 weeks per year) work experience providing services for compensation under appropriate supervision, where required.

    Exam Requirements

    Each individual who seeks admission to an examination shall complete the following:

      • Applicants must complete 1,000 hours of course study;
      • Applicant must have two years of prior work experience;
      • Applicant must be approved by the Board;
      • Applicant must schedule an exam through Pearsonvue;
      • If applicant passes the exam then they will be required to pay the license fee;

      Continuing Education Requirements

      No continuing education hours are required to renew your license in Massachusetts. Cosmetology Licenses expire every two years on the licensee’s birthday.

      Apprenticeship Programs

      Massachusetts does not allow apprenticeship programs for cosmetologists. Hours of education must be received in a Board approved school.

      License Reciprocity Availability and Requirements

      The board may register, without examination hairdresser or operator who has been registered as such under the laws of another state, which, in the opinion of the board, maintains a standard substantially equivalent to that of the commonwealth, and in which hairdressers, operators, manicurists or aestheticians registered in the commonwealth are given like recognition, upon payment of the fee.


      Any individual wishing to engage in cosmetology instruction shall meet the following qualifications:

      Cosmetology Instructor:

        • Applicant must be Type 1 and have minimum of two years of experience as such or as a junior assistant instructor to become a cosmetology instructor, a type 4;
        • Applicant must file an application with the Board accompanied by required fees;
        • Applicant must receive a passing score on a practical and written examination;
        • If applicant possesses a current hairdresser/cosmetologist license, the license must be renewed on the date determined by the board;
        • A cosmetology instructor may be employed in a cosmetology salon, manicuring salon or aesthetics salon if the instructor also possesses a current hairdresser/cosmetologist – Type 1 license.
        Assistant Cosmetology Instructor:

          • Applicant, pending examination by the board to become a cosmetology instructor – Type 4,
            may apply to the Board;
          • Applicant must pay required fees and will then be issued an assistant cosmetology instructor license;
          • The license is valid for a maximum six-month period and may not be renewed;
          • An assistant cosmetology instructor may only be employed to instruct in a cosmetology school.
          Junior Assistant Cosmetology Instructor:

            • Applicant must be a graduate from a cosmetology school approved by the Board;
            • Applicant must apply to the Board and pay required fees for licensure;
            • The license is valid for a maximum two-year period and may not be renewed.
            • A junior assistant cosmetology instructor may only be employed in a cosmetology school.

            Hair Stylists

            Type 1 and Type 2 licenses apply to both Cosmetologists and Hairdressers. The titles are considered equal in Massachusetts. Please see above for licensing details.
            Barber School


            Licensing Requirements

              • Applicant must complete the required course hours of barber training, including graduating from a Massachusetts barber school;
              • Applicant will be required to submit an application to the Board and pass the Apprentice Barber Licensing Exam and pay required fees;
              • Applicant will need to take the written and practical exam;
              • Applicant must work as an apprentice barber under the supervision of a master barber for 18 months outside of the school before eligible to apply for a master barber license;

              Exam Requirements

              Each individual who seeks admission to an examination shall complete the following:

                • Applicant must complete 1,000 hours of course study;
                • Applicants will submit an application with the Board and will be able to take the exams upon approval and payment of required fees;
                • Applicant must go to to make an online reservation for an examination. First-time users are required to create an account. The candidate will need to fill in all required fields, which are preceded by an asterisk, on the online form in order to create an ID and be assigned a password;
                • Applicant will take the practical exam and the written exam;
                • Upon completion with a passing score and fees have been paid, the license will be mailed within 2-3 business days.

                Continuing Education Requirements

                No continuing education hours are required to renew your license in Massachusetts. Barber Licenses expire every odd numbered year on December 31st

                Apprenticeship Programs

                Applicant must originally be licensed as an apprentice barber. Once exam is complete, a required 18 months of supervision under a master barber is required before applying for master barber license.

                License Reciprocity Availability and Requirements

                The board may register, without examination hairdresser or operator who has been registered as such under the laws of another state, which, in the opinion of the board, maintains a standard substantially equivalent to that of the commonwealth, and in which hairdressers, operators, manicurists or aestheticians registered in the commonwealth are given like recognition, upon payment of the fee.


                A Barber instructor must have a master barber’s license.

                Barber Schools and License Requirements in Massachusetts



                Licensing Requirements

                Massachusetts has two classifications of licensure for cosmetologists and aestheticians. Work experience is the determining factor on the status classification. A cosmetologist’s type 1 and an aesthetician’s type 6 license are equivalent to a manger’s license. To be eligible for a manager’s level, you must submit proof of at least 2 years work experience. An operator’s license (type 2) or an aesthetician’s license (type 7) will be issued to you if you have less than two years of work experience in your field.

                Applicants interested in acquiring licensure for Aesthetics, under 240 CMR 2.00 code of Massachusetts, must meet the following requirements:

                  • Applicant, to be a type 7, is required to have successfully completed a course of at least three months, the course must have included at least 300 hours of professional training in an aesthetics school approved by the Board;
                  • Applicant must file the application to the Board accompanied by required fees and pass a practical and written exam.

                  Exam Requirements

                  Each individual who seeks admission to an examination shall complete the following:

                    • The applicant must file an application with the Board, if the Board approves then the applicant may take the exam;
                    • Applicant must provide the required fees to take the exam and is will only have to pay for the license if they pass the examination;
                    • The exam is a practical and written exam;
                    • Applicant must schedule the exam through Pearsonvue – Pearsonvue;

                    Continuing Education Requirements

                    No continuing education hours are required to renew your license in Massachusetts. Aesthetician Licenses expire every two years on the licensee’s birthday

                    Apprenticeship Programs

                    Massachusetts does not allow apprenticeship programs for aestheticians. Hours of education must be received in a Board approved school.

                    License Reciprocity Availability and Requirements

                    The board may register, without examination hairdresser or operator who has been registered as such under the laws of another state, which, in the opinion of the board, maintains a standard substantially equivalent to that of the commonwealth, and in which hairdressers, operators, manicurists or aestheticians registered in the commonwealth are given like recognition, upon payment of the fee.


                    Aesthetic Instructor:

                      • Applicant, to become a type 8 (Aesthetician Instructor), must be either be a type 7, type 6 – having a minimum of two years of practical experience, or a junior assistant with at least two years of experience as such;
                      • Applicant must file application with the Board accompanied by required fees and pass a practical examination.
                      Assistant Aesthetic Instructor:

                        • Applicant, pending examination as an aesthetics instructor – Type 8, may apply to the board and pay required fees and be issued an assistant aesthetics instructor license;
                        • The assistant aesthetics instructor license is valid for a maximum of six months and may not be renewed;
                        Junior Assistant Aesthetic Instructor:

                          • A graduate of an aesthetics school approved by the Board may apply to the Board;
                          • Applicant must pay required fees for licensure as a junior assistant instructor;
                          • The license is valid for a maximum two-year period and may not be renewed.

                          Nail Technicians/Manicurist

                          Licensing Requirements

                          Any individual wishing to engage in manicuring shall obtain a license in compliance with 240 CMR 2.00 and shall meet the following qualifications:

                            • Applicant, to become a type 3 manicurist, must have successfully completed a course of at least one month, which includes the required hours of professional training in a manicuring school approved by the Board;
                            • Applicant must file application with the Board accompanied by required fees and must achieve a passing score on an examination satisfactory to the board;
                            • A manicurist – Type 3 may be employed in a cosmetology salon, manicuring salon or an aesthetics salon;
                            • The license must be renewed on the date determined by the Board.

                            Exam Requirements

                            Each individual who seeks admission to an examination shall complete the following:

                              • Applicant must complete 100 hours of course study;
                              • Applicant must file an application to the Board;
                              • Applicant must pay required fees and receive a passing score satisfactory to the Board;
                              • Applicant must schedule the exam through Pearsonvue – Pearsonvue
                              • Applicant must pay the required fees.

                              Continuing Education Requirements

                              No continuing education hours are required to renew your license in Massachusetts. Manicuring Licenses expire every two years on the licensee’s birthday.

                              Apprenticeship Programs

                              Massachusetts does not allow apprenticeship programs for manicurists. Hours of education must be received in a Board approved school.

                              License Reciprocity Availability and Requirements

                              The board may register, without examination hairdresser or operator who has been registered as such under the laws of another state, which, in the opinion of the board, maintains a standard substantially equivalent to that of the commonwealth, and in which hairdressers, operators, manicurists or aestheticians registered in the commonwealth are given like recognition, upon payment of the fee.


                              In order to obtain an Instructor license, one must be licensed as a cosmetologist or aesthetician.
                              Makeup Artist

                              Make-up Artists

                              Make-up artists are licensed under aesthetics and cosmetology.
                              Cosmetology Services

                              Licensing of Mobile Cosmetology Services

                              Mobile Cosmetology Services are licensed in Massachusetts. The following rules apply to Mobile services:

                                • All persons and businesses that offer Mobile Services shall register with the Board and have a permanent address;
                                • Mobile Services may be provided to a consumer only by an individual licensed Type 1 Cosmetologist, Type 6 Aesthetician, Manicurist or Master Barber who:
                                  • Has registered with the Board to provide Mobile Services; and
                                  • Has been approved by the Board, which may require an appearance before the Board under the Board’s Policy regarding review of applicants with criminal history or pending criminal charges;
                                • A Type 2 Cosmetologist (Operator), Type 7 Aesthetician and Apprentice Barber may provide Mobile Services only if he or she:
                                  • Is supervised at the Remote Location or in the Mobile Unit by the appropriate Type 1 Cosmetologist, Type 6 Aesthetician or Master Barber;
                                  • Has registered with the Board to provide Mobile Services; and
                                  • Has been approved by the Board, which may require an appearance before the Board under the Board’s Policy regarding review of applicants with criminal history or pending criminal charges.;
                                • All persons or entities registering to provide Mobile Services shall provide a Business Address where they shall maintain the records required by this Policy, including but not limited to their original approved Mobile Registration, license numbers and copies of the Mobile Registrations of every Registrant engaged by a Mobile Business to provide Mobile Services, records of dates, times and locations of Mobile Services appointments, itineraries and Mobile Unit vehicle registration and insurance certificates;
                                • Every registration to perform Mobile Services is valid only for the person, entity or Mobile Unit stated on the approved registration and is not transferable or assignable. The purchaser of an entity or Mobile Unit that has previously been registered and approved to provide Mobile Services must submit a new registration at least 30 days in advance of the sale or change in ownership.
                                Cosmetology Programs

                                High School Cosmetology Programs

                                Massachusetts does have high school cosmetology programs. Students must complete 1,000 hours in the program and pass the state-licensing exams to receive licensure. No student may be granted credit for hours completed in a program prior to attaining the age of 16 years. No student may be granted credit for hours completed during the freshman or sophomore year of a program or as part of an “exploratory” or similarly titled program.

                                Additional Professions Licensed

                                • Demonstrator
                                • Body Piercing
                                • Electrology
                                • Massage Therapy
                                • Tattooing