State Licensing Requirements in OHIO



Licensing Requirements

Any person wishing to obtain a cosmetology license must meet the following requirements:

    • Applicant must be at least 16 years of age;
    • Applicant must be of good moral character;
    • Applicant must have the equivalent of an Ohio public school 10th grade education;
    • Applicant must have submitted a written application on a form furnished by the board;
    • Applicant passes an examination;
    • Applicant pays to the board the applicable license fee;
    • In the case of an applicant for an initial cosmetologist license, has successfully completed the required hours of board-approved cosmetology training in a school of cosmetology licensed in this state.

    Exam Requirements

    Each individual who seeks admission to an examination shall submit the following to the state board of cosmetology:

      • As part of a license application, proof that the individual satisfies all conditions to obtain the license for which the examination is conducted (including 1,500 hours in a licensed cosmetology school), other than the requirements to have passed the examination.
      • A set of the individual’s biometric fingerprint scan taken at the board’s office.
      The examination shall be specific to the type of license the individual seeks and satisfy all of the following conditions:

        • Include both practical demonstrations and written or oral tests related to the type of license the individual seeks;
        • Relate only to a branch of cosmetology, but not be confined to any special system or method;
        • Be consistent in both practical and technical requirements for the type of license the individual seeks;
        • Be of sufficient thoroughness to satisfy the board as to the individual’s skill in and knowledge of the branch of cosmetology for which the examination is conducted.

        Continuing Education Requirements

        The state board of cosmetology may adopt rules to establish a continuing education requirement, not to exceed 8 hours in a biennial licensing period, as a condition of renewal for a license. These hours may include training in identifying and addressing the crime of trafficking in persons as described in section 2905.32 of the Revised Code. At least two of the 8 hours of the continuing education requirement must be achieved in courses concerning safety and sanitation, and at least one hour of the 8 hours of the continuing education requirement must be achieved in courses concerning law and rule updates.

        Apprenticeship Programs

        An applicant wishing to receive credit for an internship must follow these guidelines:

          • Applicant must be in good standing.
          • Applicant must maintain a valid license issued by the board.
          • Applicant, salon, or school must not have any pending disciplinary action against them or any unpaid cosmetology based fines.
          • Applicant must complete at least fifty percent of required program hours.
          • Applicant must have direct and immediate supervision when working on a paying client and may only assist a licensed cosmetologist.
          • Applicant must be directly supervised when applying chemical treatments.

          License Reciprocity Availability and Requirements

          The state board of cosmetology shall issue a license to practice a branch of cosmetology or instructor license to an applicant who is licensed or registered in another state or country to practice that branch of cosmetology or teach the theory and practice of that branch of cosmetology, as appropriate, if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

            • Applicant is not less than 18 years of age;
            • Applicant is of good moral character;
            • Applicant passes their specific examination;
            • Applicant pays the applicable fee;
            • At the time the applicant obtained the license or registration in the other state or country, the requirements in this state for obtaining the license the applicant seeks were substantially equal to the other state or country’s requirements;
            • The jurisdiction that issued the applicant’s license or registration extends similar reciprocity to individuals holding a license issued by the board.


            The state board of cosmetology shall issue an instructor license to an applicant who satisfies all of the following applicable conditions:

              • Applicant is at least 18 years if age;
              • Applicant is of good moral character;
              • Applicant has the equivalent of an Ohio public school 12th grade education;
              • Applicant pays the board the applicable fee;
              • In the case of an applicant for an initial cosmetology instructor license, holds a current, valid advanced cosmetologist license issued in this state and does either of the following
                • Has the licensed advanced cosmetologist or owner of the licensed beauty salon in which the applicant has been employed certify to the board that the applicant has engaged in the practice of cosmetology in a licensed beauty salon for at least 1,800 hours;
                • Has a school of cosmetology licensed in this state certify to the board that the applicant has successfully completed 1,000 hours of board approved cosmetology instructor training as an apprentice instructor.

              Hair Stylists

              Licensing Requirements

              Any person wishing to obtain a natural hair styling license must meet the following requirements:

                • Applicant must be at least 16 years of age;
                • Applicant must be of good moral character;
                • Applicant must have the equivalent of an Ohio public school 10th grade education;
                • Applicant must have submitted a written application on a form furnished by the board;
                • Applicant passes an examination for the branch of cosmetology the applicant seeks to practice;
                • Applicant pays to the board the applicable license fee;
                • In the case of an applicant for an initial natural hair stylist license, has successfully completed the required hours of instruction in subjects relating to sanitation, scalp care, anatomy, hair styling, communication skills, and laws and rules governing the practice of cosmetology

                Exam Requirements

                Each individual who seeks admission to an examination shall submit the following to the state board of cosmetology:

                  • As part of a license application, proof that the individual satisfies all conditions to obtain the license for which the examination is conducted (including 450 hours of instruction in a licensed cosmetology school), other than the requirements to have passed the examination;
                  • A set of the individual’s biometric fingerprint scan taken at the board’s office;
                  • Examinations for licensure for any branch of cosmetology shall assess the ability of a prospective cosmetology professional to maintain a safe and sanitary place of service delivery. The examination shall be specific to the type of license the individual seeks and satisfy all of the following conditions:
                    • Include both practical demonstrations and written or oral tests related to the type of license the individual seeks;
                    • Relate only to a branch of cosmetology, but not be confined to any special system or method;
                    • Be consistent in both practical and technical requirements for the type of license the individual seeks;
                    • Be of sufficient thoroughness to satisfy the board as to the individual’s skill in and knowledge of the branch of cosmetology for which the examination is conducted.

                  Continuing Education Requirements

                  The state board of cosmetology may adopt rules to establish a continuing education requirement, not to exceed 8 hours in a biennial licensing period, as a condition of renewal for a license. These hours may include training in identifying and addressing the crime of trafficking in persons as described in section 2905.32 of the Revised Code. At least two of the 8 hours of the continuing education requirement must be achieved in courses concerning safety and sanitation, and at least one hour of the 8 hours of the continuing education requirement must be achieved in courses concerning law and rule updates.

                  Apprenticeship Programs

                  Hair styling internships must meet these requirements:

                    • Total clock hour credit toward graduation for a student intern participating in a natural hair stylist internship program is limited to a maximum of ten per cent of hours.

                    License Reciprocity Availability and Requirements

                    The state board of cosmetology shall issue a license to practice a branch of cosmetology or instructor license to an applicant who is licensed or registered in another state or country to practice that branch of cosmetology or teach the theory and practice of that branch of cosmetology, as appropriate, if all of the following conditions are satisfied

                      • Applicant is not less than 18 years of age;
                      • Applicant is of good moral character;
                      • Applicant passes their specific examination;
                      • Applicant pays the applicable fee;
                      • At the time the applicant obtained the license or registration in the other state or country, the requirements in this state for obtaining the license the applicant seeks were substantially equal to the other state or country’s requirements;
                      • The jurisdiction that issued the applicant’s license or registration extends similar reciprocity to individuals holding a license issued by the board.


                      The state board of cosmetology shall issue an instructor license to an applicant who satisfies all of the following applicable conditions:

                        • Applicant is at least 18 years if age;
                        • Applicant is of good moral character;
                        • Applicant has the equivalent of an Ohio public school 12th grade education;
                        • Applicant pays the board the applicable fee;
                        • In the case of an applicant for an initial natural hair style instructor license, holds a current, valid advanced natural hair stylist or advanced cosmetologist license and does either of the following:
                          • Has the licensed advanced natural hair stylist, licensed advanced cosmetologist, or owner of the licensed natural hair style salon or licensed beauty salon in which the applicant has been employed certify to the board that the applicant has engaged in the practice of natural hair styling in a licensed natural hair style salon or practice of cosmetology in a licensed beauty salon for at least 1,800 hours;
                          • Has a school of cosmetology licensed in this state certify to the board that the applicant has successfully completed at least 400 hours of board approved natural hair style instructor training as an apprentice instructor.
                        Barber School


                        Licensing Requirements

                        Any person who wishes to obtain an initial license to practice barbering shall apply to the barber board, on forms provided by the board. The applicant must meet the following requirements:

                          • Application must include the name of the person applying;
                          • Applicant must be of good moral character;
                          • Applicant must be at least 18 years of age;
                          • Applicant must have an 8th grade education or an equivalent education as determined by the state board of education in the state where the applicant resides;
                          • Applicant must have graduated with the required hours of training from a board-approved barber school or has graduated with at least 1,000 hours of training from a board-approved barber school in this state and has a current cosmetology or hair designer license.
                          The application shall be accompanied by two signed current photographs of the applicant, in the size determined by the board, that show only the head and shoulders of the applicant, and the examination fee. The applicant must then pass an examination, scoring at least 75% on each part of the exam. After meeting these requirements, the board shall issue a license.

                          Exam Requirements

                          In order to take the required barber examination, an applicant must demonstrate that they meet all of the following:

                            • Applicant is of good moral character;
                            • Applicant is at least 18 years of age;
                            • Applicant has an 8th grade education or an equivalent education as determined by the state board of education in the state where the applicant resides;
                            • Applicant has graduated with at least 1,800 hours of training from a board-approved barber school or has graduated with at least one thousand hours of training from a board-approved barber school in this state and has a current cosmetology or hair designer license.

                            Continuing Education Requirements

                            There are no continuing education requirements for barbers in Ohio.

                            Apprenticeship Programs

                            The Ohio State Barber Board does not accept apprenticeship credit.

                            License Reciprocity Availability and Requirements

                            Any person who holds a current license or registration to practice as a barber in any other state or district of the United States or country whose requirements for licensure or registration of barbers are substantially equivalent to the requirements of this chapter and rules adopted under it nd that extends similar reciprocity to persons licensed as barbers in this state may apply to the barber board for a barber license.


                            Each person who desires to obtain a barber teacher license shall apply to the barber board, on the forms provided by the board. The applicant must meet the following requirements:

                              • Holds a current barber license issued pursuant to this chapter and has at least 18 months of work experience in a licensed barber shop or has been employed as an assistant barber teacher under the supervision of a licensed barber teacher for at least one year, unless, for good cause, the board waives this requirement;
                              • Meets such other requirements as adopted by rule by the board;
                              • Passes the required examination;
                              • Pays the required fees.


                              Licensing Requirements

                              Any individual wishing to obtain an esthetics license must meet the following requirements:

                                • Applicant must be at least 16 years of age;
                                • Applicant must be of good moral character;
                                • Applicant must have the equivalent of an Ohio public school 10th grade education;
                                • Applicant must have submitted a written application on a form furnished by the board;
                                • Applicant passes an examination for the branch of cosmetology the applicant seeks to practice;
                                • Applicant pays to the board the applicable license fee;
                                • In the case of an applicant for an initial esthetician license, has successfully completed the required hours of board-approved esthetics training in a school of cosmetology licensed in this state.

                                Exam Requirements

                                Each individual who seeks admission to an examination shall submit the following to the state board of cosmetology:

                                  • As part of a license application, proof that the individual satisfies all conditions to obtain the license for which the examination is conducted (including 600 hours of training in an approved school), other than the requirements to have passed the examination;
                                  • A set of the individual’s biometric fingerprint scan taken at the board’s office.
                                  The examination shall be specific to the type of license the individual seeks and satisfy all of the following conditions:

                                    • Include both practical demonstrations and written or oral tests related to the type of license the individual seeks;
                                    • Relate only to a branch of cosmetology, but not be confined to any special system or method;
                                    • Be consistent in both practical and technical requirements for the type of license the individual seeks;
                                    • Be of sufficient thoroughness to satisfy the board as to the individual’s skill in and knowledge of the branch of cosmetology for which the examination is conducted.
                                    Examinations for licensure for any branch of cosmetology shall assess the ability of a prospective cosmetology professional to maintain a safe and sanitary place of service delivery.

                                    Continuing Education Requirements

                                    The state board of cosmetology may adopt rules to establish a continuing education requirement, not to exceed 8 hours in a biennial licensing period, as a condition of renewal for a license. These hours may include training in identifying and addressing the crime of trafficking in persons as described in section 2905.32 of the Revised Code. At least two of the 8 hours of the continuing education requirement must be achieved in courses concerning safety and sanitation, and at least one hour of the 8 hours of the continuing education requirement must be achieved in courses concerning law and rule updates.

                                    Apprenticeship Programs

                                    There are no apprentice programs for estheticians in Ohio. The only accepted credit is through a school of cosmetology

                                    License Reciprocity Availability and Requirements

                                    The state board of cosmetology shall issue a license to practice a branch of cosmetology or instructor license to an applicant who is licensed or registered in another state or country to practice that branch of cosmetology or teach the theory and practice of that branch of cosmetology, as appropriate, if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

                                      • Applicant is not less than 18 years of age;
                                      • Applicant is of good moral character;
                                      • Applicant passes their specific examination;
                                      • Applicant pays the applicable fee;
                                      • At the time the applicant obtained the license or registration in the other state or country, the requirements in this state for obtaining the license the applicant seeks were substantially equal to the other state or country’s requirements;
                                      • The jurisdiction that issued the applicant’s license or registration extends similar reciprocity to individuals holding a license issued by the board.


                                      The state board of cosmetology shall issue an instructor license to an applicant who satisfies all of the following applicable conditions:

                                        • Applicant is at least 18 years if age;
                                        • Applicant is of good moral character;
                                        • Applicant has the equivalent of an Ohio public school 12th grade education;
                                        • Applicant pays the board the applicable fee.
                                        In the case of an applicant for an initial esthetics instructor license, holds a current, valid advanced esthetician or advanced cosmetologist license issued in this state and does either of the following:

                                          • Has the licensed advanced esthetician, licensed advanced cosmetologist, or owner of the licensed esthetics salon or licensed beauty salon in which the applicant has been employed certify to the board that the applicant has engaged in the practice of esthetics in a licensed esthetics salon or practice of cosmetology in a licensed beauty salon for at 1,800 hours;
                                          • Has a school of cosmetology licensed in this state certify to the board that the applicant has successfully completed at least 500 hours of board-approved esthetics instructor training as an apprentice instructor.

                                          Nail Technicians/Manicurist

                                          Licensing Requirements

                                          Any individual wishing to obtain a nail technician license must meet the following requirements:

                                            • Applicant must be at least 16 years of age;
                                            • Applicant must be of good moral character;
                                            • Applicant must have the equivalent of an Ohio public school 10th grade education;
                                            • Applicant must have submitted a written application on a form furnished by the board;
                                            • Applicant passes an examination for the branch of cosmetology the applicant seeks to practice;
                                            • Applicant pays to the board the applicable license fee;
                                            • In the case of an applicant for an initial nail technician license, has successfully the required hours of board-approved nail technician training in a school of cosmetology licensed in this state.

                                            Exam Requirements

                                            Each individual who seeks admission to an examination shall submit the following to the state board of cosmetology:

                                              • As part of a license application, proof that the individual satisfies all conditions to obtain the license for which the examination is conducted (including 200 hours of instruction from a licensed school), other than the requirements to have passed the examination;
                                              • A set of the individual’s biometric fingerprint scan taken at the board’s office.
                                              The examination shall be specific to the type of license the individual seeks and satisfy all of the following conditions:

                                                • Include both practical demonstrations and written or oral tests related to the type of license the individual seeks;
                                                • Relate only to a branch of cosmetology, but not be confined to any special system or method;
                                                • Be consistent in both practical and technical requirements for the type of license the individual seeks;
                                                • Be of sufficient thoroughness to satisfy the board as to the individual’s skill in and knowledge of the branch of cosmetology for which the examination is conducted.
                                                Examinations for licensure for any branch of cosmetology shall assess the ability of a prospective cosmetology professional to maintain a safe and sanitary place of service delivery.

                                                Continuing Education Requirements

                                                The state board of cosmetology may adopt rules to establish a continuing education requirement, not to exceed 8 hours in a biennial licensing period, as a condition of renewal for a license. These hours may include training in identifying and addressing the crime of trafficking in persons as described in section 2905.32 of the Revised Code. At least two of the 8 hours of the continuing education requirement must be achieved in courses concerning safety and sanitation, and at least one hour of the 8 hours of the continuing education requirement must be achieved in courses concerning law and rule updates.

                                                Apprenticeship Programs

                                                Any individual that wishes to receive credit for an internship must meet the requirements that the board decides.

                                                License Reciprocity Availability and Requirements

                                                The state board of cosmetology shall issue a license to practice a branch of cosmetology or instructor license to an applicant who is licensed or registered in another state or country to practice that branch of cosmetology or teach the theory and practice of that branch of cosmetology, as appropriate, if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

                                                  • Applicant is not less than 18 years of age;
                                                  • Applicant is of good moral character;
                                                  • Applicant passes their specific examination;
                                                  • Applicant pays the applicable fee;
                                                  • At the time the applicant obtained the license or registration in the other state or country, the requirements in this state for obtaining the license the applicant seeks were substantially equal to the other state or country’s requirements;
                                                  • The jurisdiction that issued the applicant’s license or registration extends similar reciprocity to individuals holding a license issued by the board.


                                                  The state board of cosmetology shall issue an instructor license to an applicant who satisfies all of the following applicable conditions:

                                                    • Applicant is at least 18 years if age;
                                                    • Applicant is of good moral character;
                                                    • Applicant has the equivalent of an Ohio public school 12th grade education;
                                                    • Applicant pays the board the applicable fee.
                                                    In the case of an applicant for an initial nail technician instructor license, holds a current, valid advanced nail technician or advanced cosmetologist license and does either of the following:

                                                      • Has the licensed advanced nail technician, licensed advanced cosmetologist, or owner of the licensed nail salon or licensed beauty salon in which the applicant has been employed certify to the board that the applicant has engaged in the practice of manicuring in a licensed nail salon or practice of cosmetology in a licensed beauty salon for at least 1,800 hours;
                                                      • Has a school of cosmetology licensed in this state certify to the board that the applicant has successfully completed at least 300 hours of board-approved nail technician instructor training as an apprentice instructor
                                                      Makeup Artist

                                                      Make-up Artists

                                                      There is no official license to practice make-up art. However it is recommended to pursue a cosmetology or esthetics license.
                                                      Cosmetology Services

                                                      Licensing of Mobile Cosmetology Services

                                                      Mobile Cosmetology Services are allowed.
                                                      Cosmetology Programs

                                                      High School Cosmetology Programs

                                                      Ohio has cosmetology programs in high school through vocational schools. There are 10 classes to choose from within the M1 Cosmetology Pathway.

                                                      Additional Professions Licensed

                                                      • Hair Design
                                                      • Tanning Facilities